
Our back muscles as long as our abdominal muscles would become weak with prolonged time spent sitting slouched. When you are sitting slouched, the back musculatures are lengthened (stretched out) and weakened as well; the abdominals, being underused, become weakened as well but in a shortened position.

Note: Weakened muscles lead to instability of the lumbar spine and also slouching puts excessive stress on the discs and can aggravate symptoms for people with lumbar disc herniation.


Suggested Exercises To Improve Posture Of The Lumbar Spine:

Disclaimer: These exercises are meant to help improve posture of the lumbar spine and may not be suitable for people with symptomatic back problems or symptoms (pain, numbness, tingling, etc) radiating down the leg. Please consult a healthcare professional when in doubt.

Note: The exercises shown on the website is very similar to what I usually show my own patients, but if you know of better ways to work the same tissues then feel free to stretch in other ways. The pain or stretch should be tolerable at all times when exercising. For all general stretches of the neck, hold for at least 20 seconds in order for it to be effective and perform 3-5 reps at least 3 times a day. Focus more on muscles that are actually tight and stop when a good stretch is felt.

1. Snow Angels:

  1. Stand against a wide wall with head touching the wall and tuck in your chin.
  2. Keep your hips and knees slightly bent to ensure that the lower back is leaning flat against the wall.
  3. With back of shoulders, elbows, and wrists touching the wall, raise the straightened arm up and down as if making snow angels against the wall

Parameters: 20 reps up and down, as often as permitted.

Note: It is alright if you cannot have shoulders, elbows, and wrist against wall due to a lack of flexibility. You may slowly incorporate one component at a time starting from shoulders à elbows à wrists and gradually work your way up.

2. Pelvis Rocking Back & Forth or Cat & Dog Stretch:

Both stretches are great for mobility at the pelvis, the “Pelvic rocking back & forth”  is more appropriate for those who work in an office setting or where space is more limited.

Pelvis Rocking Back and Forth:

Cat and Dog Stretch:

3. Lumbar Extensions or Cobra Pose:

The lumbar extension exercise is actually better done while lying flat on stomach (Cobra Pose) for the reason being the back musculature are relaxed while the arms are doing all the pushing. This is particular true for people with back strains; you don’ t want to contract back muscles forcefully when they are irritated.

Lumbar Extension in standing:

Lumbar Extension in Supine (Cobra Pose):

Note: Some videos show a few ways to work the same muscle group, it is always good to learn and experiment with different ways of stretching since the positional change might work different fibers of the same muscle group.

4. General Stretches:

For all general stretches of the back, hold for at least 20 seconds in order for it to be effective and repeat 5 reps at least 3 times a day. Focus more on muscles that are actually tight and stop when a good stretch is felt. Tissues should not be stretched to point when it is painful.

Piriformis Stretch:

Standing Hamstring Stretch:

More Hamstring Stretch Positions:

Quad Stretch:

ITB Stretch:

Psoas Stretch:

 Latissimus Dorsi  Stretch: