Headrest: Headrest should be less than 10 cm away from the back of the driver/ passenger’s head as to decrease risk of whiplash according to the SAAQ guidelines. Avoid having headrest pushing the head forward which puts excess stress on cervical structures. Either recline the seat so that headrest is not pushing the head forward or place a cervical roll/ rolled up towel behind your neck to maintain the natural curvature of the neck.
Seat Distance: Bring seat closer to gas pedal may make people with back problems feel better since there is less neural tension when the knees are slightly bend.
Insufficient back support: Use a lumbar roll/ rolled up thick towel or hoodie and place it horizontally behind the lower back or at the level of the back that is most painful for those who are symptomatic. This is would accentuate the extension of the lumbar spine (natural curvature) providing relief especially for long distance driving.
Bucket Seats: Asides from minivans or SUV’s, most smaller vehicles have bucket seats (i.e.: seats that are so low and in which you are basically sinked in) which puts drivers in a slouched position to begin with. For those with low back pain, this flexed/ bent position may potentially aggravate symptoms. Solution: Raise back portion of seat with a small cushion or thick towels to keep the spine in a more upright position.