
“Good leg goes to heaven”

“Bad leg goes to hell”

General guideline for using the stairs with a cane:

Always face forward, avoid going up or down stairs sideways because this puts you in a very unsteady position.

If handrails are available: you would place cane on opposite side of handrail. For going up the stairs: non-affected leg goes up first, followed by the cane, and then your affected leg. For going down the stairs: the cane goes down first, followed by the affect leg, and then your non- affected leg.

If handrails are not available: keep the cane on non-affected side. For going up the stairs: non-affected leg goes up first, followed by the cane, and then your affected leg.   For going down the stairs: the cane goes down first, followed by the affect leg, and then your non- affected leg.